KIA カーシェード


モデルの窓に合わせて作られたカーシェードを使用して、KIA での車の乗車をさらに楽しくしましょう。 Snap shades あなたの車に合わせてカスタム設計されており、隙間やオーバーハングがなく完璧にフィットします。

期待できること Snap Shades KIAサンシェードについて

Snap shades 有害な UVA および UVB 光線から乗客を保護するように設計されています。

  • 本サイトの 日よけ スタイリッシュで、車の窓に合わせて製造されています。 部外者が車内を簡単に覗くのを防ぎ、プライバシーを高めます。
  • 太陽にさらされる製品にとって耐久性は非常に重要です。 当社のシェードは高品質の素材で作られており、伸びたりバタついたりしにくく、時間が経っても色あせしません。
  • Snap shades 取り付けが簡単です。 強力な磁石で車の金属窓フレームまたは磁気マウント (ゴムフレーム用) に接続します。 シェードは軽量ですが、車両の走行中の風を防ぎます。

KIA サンシェードの重要性

Snap shades お子様や他の乗客を守るために不可欠です。

  • 乗客を過熱から守ります。 カーシェードは日差しを軽減することで車内の温度を下げます。 当社のシェードを使用すると、窓を部分的に開けて空気を循環させ、室内温度をさらに下げることもできます。
  • Snap shades UVA および UVB 光線への曝露を軽減します。 車に乗っていると、太陽の有害な眩しさから逃れることができません。 Snap shades UVA および UVB 光線を 70% 削減し、ドライバーの視界を妨げたり死角を作ったりすることなく、乗員の肌を太陽光によるダメージから保護します。
  • 子供たちは、皮膚や目に日光が当たることの危険性に気づいていないことがよくあります。 カーシェードを取り付けると、がんの原因となるUVAおよびUVB光線から子供の肌を守り、太陽のまぶしさから目を守ります。 子供はもともと好奇心が旺盛で、余分な素材を引っ張ったり、吸盤をこじったりするため、窓から外しにくいカーシェードを選ぶことが重要です。

なぜ Snap Shades

新しく親になった私たちは、有害な UVA および UBV 光線から赤ちゃんを守りたいと考えていましたが、適切な解決策が見つかりませんでした。 お客様の車両に合わせてカスタマイズされたソリューションを設計しました。 私たちは、お客様とお子様にとって日焼け止めがいかに重要であるかを理解しているため、すべての注文を迅速かつ効率的に処理します。 お問い合わせ to learn more.

Premium Kia Car Shades

本サイトの 車の日よけ use cutting-edge materials and technology to reduce internal temperatures and keep those damaging UV rays out of your vehicle. When the sun threatens to turn your car and its precious contents into a blazing inferno, our Kia window shades are just the ticket to bring the temperatures back down to Earth. 

Sitting in a vehicle that is so hot you cannot even touch the internal surfaces is, at the very least, unpleasant and, at worst, extremely dangerous. From young children to the vulnerable and any family pets, our Kia window shades are the perfect thing to protect your precious passengers and cargo. When you purchase a Kia sun shade から Snap Shades, you will marvel at how easy and intuitive it is to install and how fast it brings those searing temperatures down. 


At Snap Shades, we are always striving to improve our products and services, never letting them slide in the opposite direction.

Discover Our Selection of Kia Sun Shades

With custom-created Kia sun shades for any model, you will have no trouble finding the unit you need, especially if using our convenient product finder. Each unit is produced to the exact dimensions of the vehicle model, ensuring a snug, effective fit every time.

本サイトの Kia window shades are meticulously measured and created using only the finest materials, and you cannot fail to be impressed by their quality and durability. Reputations are not won overnight but can be lost in a heartbeat when practices are allowed to slip.

At Snap Shades, we are always striving to improve our products and services, never letting them slide in the opposite direction.

Shunning the ‘one-size-fits-all’ concept

Many suppliers of car sun shades produce generic units designed to ‘fit’ a wide range of vehicles. The trouble is that they seldom fit as snugly as they should and can often suffer from flapping oversized sections or gaps at the edges that ruin the effect. This can never happen when you purchase your Kia car shades のチームから Snap Shades, as each unit is a perfect fit for the specific vehicle in question. 


Shunning the ‘one-size-fits-all’ concept

Many suppliers of car sun shades produce generic units designed to ‘fit’ a wide range of vehicles. The trouble is that they seldom fit as snugly as they should and can often suffer from flapping oversized sections or gaps at the edges that ruin the effect. This can never happen when you purchase your Kia car shades のチームから Snap Shades, as each unit is a perfect fit for the specific vehicle in question. 

Why settle for anything less than the best? Spend some time browsing our site today, and not only will you find the perfect Kia window shades for your car but also a great selection of other products, including:




Optimal Protection with Kia Window Shades

At Snap Shades, we are proud to be described as a genuine Australian success story and know that it has only been achieved with a great deal of hard work and dedication. As you interact with our staff and learn more about us as a company, you will experience the result of our insistence on the highest standards in everything we do. 

The Australian government scrutinised and thoroughly tested our Kia car shades and found them capable of preventing an industry-leading 84.6% of the sun’s UV rays from penetrating. The end result is what matters most, and our Kia window shades deliver every time. 



For answers to our most よくある質問, please check out previous examples that may give you all the information you need. Alternatively, please 連絡を取る with our courteous, knowledgeable staff today. They can provide all the detailed 製品情報 and guidance you need to get yourself a fantastic set of Kia sun shades and finally experience the bliss of getting into a vehicle that has not been cooked by the brutal sun. 



How Do Kia Sun Shades Enhance Your Driving Experience?

The state-of-the-art unidirectional cross-mesh materials used to create our incredible Kia window shades are unrivalled in stopping dangerous, damaging UV rays from passing through. This automatically lowers the vehicle's temperature and makes for a much more pleasant, comfortable experience. Add to this the high-quality, innovative method for installing and removing the units and you have what we consider the perfect product. 

なにができるか Snap Shades’ Kia Car Shades Unique?

Features and benefits that make a Kia sun shade から Snap Shades unique include:

  • Custom-made units guarantee a perfect fit every time
  • Straightforward, intuitive installation and removal
  • Unrivalled UV protection, as tested by the Australian government (up to 84.6%)
  • Top-tier materials and an attractive, high-class appearance
  • Outstanding satisfaction and reviews from previous customers
How to Choose the Right Kia Window Shades for Your Vehicle?

Because they are custom-made to fit the exact dimensions of any make or model of vehicle, choosing the right Kia sun shades for your car could not be easier. Simply input your make and model into our convenient product finder or speak to the team at Snap Shades, and they will guide you to the correct units for your car.






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